About us
Mobility Energy Innovations Ltd. is a multidisciplinary consultancy company funded by two brothers in order to provide high quality services in the fields of mobility, energy and innovations.
In the mobility domain the company works mainly with public sector, it has good connections to cities in Europe, public transport organizations, associations and world leading universities. It is mainly focused on the preparation of large-scale infrastructure investments and sustainable urban mobility planning (SUMP).
In the energy sector the main focuses are expert systems like dynamic line rating and asset management systems. The staff has excellent reputation among DSOs, TSOs, research organizations, laboratories and private companies.
The company has some specialization in the cross sectoral areas. The staff has extensive experience in economic assessments both in the mobility and the energy sector. They are also experts in event organisation regardless its type (workshop, stakeholder meeting, project meeting, conference), scale (10-600 participants, local or international) or location (in Hungary or abroad). Related to innovations the team is routinely involved in proposal writing for various local and European research calls. Furthermore, it is not only participated in European funded research and development projects, but it provides consultancy services for their clients related to Horizon2020.
Based on its staff high level experience in replicability and scalability in the transport field ME Innovations provide a unique point of view for energy sector. The measures, tools, systems, approaches used in mobility are highly relevant and applicable in the energy sector as well. Also, because their various roles in the past they provide exceptional scientific communication for their clients, they are using innovative techniques to deliver the main scientific message even to non-scientific communities. Using the knowledge and experience of the owners in web design, programming and lecturing they easily develop and maintain webinars, training materials and online courses. Its mission is to help customers to maximize their core competence and resources, apply best practices and translate R&D initiatives into business applications efficiently.