Mobility Energy Innovations Ltd. works with several independent in-house consultants from the field of Energy and Mobility additionally to their main staff.
Main staff

Tamás Mátrai PhD received his B.Sc. degree in civil engineering from BME, his M.Sc. degree in Complex Transport Infrastructure Systems in the MIT-Portugal Program and his PhD in transportation and vehicle engineering from BME. He is one of the owners and managing director of ME Innovations Ltd. and also an assistant lecturer at Department of Transport Technology and Economics. He was responsible for the international R&D activities at BKK as a senior project manager between 2011 and 2014. Tamás has extensive experience in cost‐benefit analyses, feasibility studies and macroscopic modelling for transport related development projects. In the last 5 years he participated in R&D projects in the energy sector. He has routinely been involved in the scientific, financial and administrative management of R&D projects funded by the European Commission such as INTERRFACE, FLEXITRANSTORE, MaaS4EU, Electric Traveling, MOVECIT, PROSPECT, FLOW, BestPaths, SOLUTIONS, NODES, TIDE, CH4LLENGE, STARS, Module CloseTo, PRESS4TRANSPORT, TECH-CLINIC SST, RESCUE, SUGRE.
Mr. Attila Mátrai received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. Degree in electrical engineering at BME. He is the other owner and electrical power engineering expert at ME Innovations Ltd. He was a demonstrator at the Electric Power Engineering Department of BME. As a demonstrator he was routinely holding laboratory presentations at the High Voltage Laboratory, involved industrial projects. He is participating in European projects such as INTERRFACE, FLEXITRANSTORE, BestPaths. One of his greatest achievements so far is creating the management system for laboratory tests of live line working equipment. Furthermore he held a position as a member of the chairmanship in Associaton of Electricaland Software Engineers at Schönherz and has high level skills and experience in various programming languages and projects.